Friday, February 29, 2008

Another Grey Day -a Friday

Spring isn't too far away. Maybe there'll be sunshine then! There's been grey skies for days now and I'm ready for sunshine. I made some kid birthday cards today and had fun with it. Dad 's day was a prednisone day so he slept all morning and hasn't felt too good this afternoon either. It affects me too. Maybe that's why I don't have any energy. I have money, but no desire to spend! I must be sick!

Tonight I'll be going to the church for a supper. Everyone is to bring a macaroni dish. Karen said she made a big bowl of macaroni and I could have some. That's good since I don't cook anymore and I have no good recipe for macaroni salad (not one that I would make for anyone else to eat!) I think there'll be a silent auction. I've never participated in that and don't know how it will be done. Hopefully it'll be fun to get out and see everyone. Maybe Ann Lobell, the organist, will be there and I can give her the dimensions of the organ I have and want to get rid of.(of which I want to get rid--no dangling participle there, hardy -har -har!)

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