Saturday, March 21, 2015


It didn't rain today. I don't know what is called for tomorrow. Saw on the national weather map that we were to have some more rain. The grass is already turning green. The ground is covered (near the trees)with sweet gum balls that are very prickly and Jordan doesn't like walking on them. There the awful gash is the landscape where the dossiers scraped the tree debris back into the woods. It will take a while for the green to grow back and cover the gash. I hope we don't have any more tornadoes in April. Did someone say in a poem that April is a cruel month? It was cruel last year.

Didn't go anywhere today. Just took Jordan for his three walks outside. We just walk around the property. When he's through with his business, he wants to come back inside. The ear drops I have to put in his right ear because of an infection, cause the hair around the ear to get greasy and dirty. His little feet aren't cut like Poodle feet and are a shade darker that the rest of him. He's such a good dog. His new harness came in yesterday. The medium was too small and the large is a bit large on him but it works and takes the strain off his neck when he's walked.

Frank is doing fine and is in good spirits. The Dr's assistant said it would be a year for his knee cap to heal. He hasn't fallen again since then. He uses the walker to walk and we take it everywhere we go. The leg brace probably gives his leg some stability.

Looking forward to going to church tomorrow.

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