Friday, March 13, 2015

Jordan to Groomer

I took Jordan to Pet Depot for his bath and nail trim this morning. Then I went to H'ville to Joann's Fabrics and got Karen a gift card for making the Poodle skirt for me. I was looking for Ollie's Discount Store in Madison but couldn't find it. I stopped at Bob's Discount Store on the way home and asked if they had a cat palace and they had sold the only one they had. I asked where Madison Blvd was and got directions. I drove there only to find out the store wasn't open yet. They will have the grand opening next Wednesday. I want to go and get a Cat Palace for Frankie. He has 2 cats that need something to play on.

I got Jordan at 12:30 PM. It only cost $20.00 for his bath and trim. I can't bathe him here because of my knee replacements. I can't lean up against the tub or lean over it. I guess old age has some advantages, like having someone else wash your dog for you. Of course, since I was in Pet Depot, I bought some more chews for Jordan and a brush. I think I will take the brush back and get another kind-one for Poodles. He is so fluffy and soft now. He is white but has a darker spot on his back and the back of his head, but his charming personality makes up for this defect. He is really a loveable dog. He's peeded on the couch twice even though I take him out several times a day. I had small blankets on the couch so all I had to do was wash them and it's a leather couch. I now have an old quilt on it and I will put piddle pads on the couch in case he wants to go on the couch. Last night I was going to take him out one last time, but he wouldn't go! He sat on the rug by the door and refused to move. I didn't make him go out since he was determined not to go. The ground is wet since we've had a lot of rain and I think he doesn't like to get his feet wet. When he gets groomed again, maybe they will trim the hair on his feet.

I didn't realize how much dirt would get on the floors. Before Jordan, I would sweep and dust mop my floors every two days. I like my floors clean and that was enough. Now that Jordan and I go out in the grass a lot, we bring in dirt when we return. I'll have to sweep every day now, but I don't mind. He is such a sweet boy.

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