Saturday, May 17, 2008


I feed the animals at 10:00 AM and at 2:00 PM I played the piano for an adult baptism. That's pretty much all I have done today. I wish I had the energy to do something in the yard. I guess it's energy I'm looking for. Today was prednisone day for dad, but now he's in the living room cleaning the bird cages and chirping with the birds, so he's feeling better. I put Gert back in his cage today. We were to wait until Mon. but I felt like he was ready today. I got him on my finger but grabbed him by his tail also so he wouldn't be able to fall. He was squawking and flapping his wings but it was just 2 seconds and he was on his perch. He left 4 tail feathers in my hand! It will probably be a day or two until he gets used to his cage again. The big container he was in is now downstairs in the basement.

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