Thursday, September 11, 2014


After a trip to the Pain Clinic, which was short and sweet, we ate at Chick-fil-A. We went through the drive through and at the food in a shady spot in the Walmart parting lot in H'ville. We drove on back to Athens, stopping at Isom's Orchard where I got some apples and 2 containers of yellow squash. It was just picked this morning and really looked good. In fact, it was good. I cooked some of it for supper tonight. I discovered two packages of squash in the freezer and may go back and buy some more to put in the freezer.

Jenn won't be coming tomorrow because she is sick and I had big plans to take Frank with me to Madison and H'ville but then remembered the AT&T man is coming tomorrow to fix the noise in our line. I've forgotten what time they said he would be here so we'll just come back home after exercise and wait. We can go shopping Saturday.

I bought a painting at the Crafty Beher a couple of weeks ago and have really been enjoying it. It's back ground is black with green leaves and it has 4 tropical birds on it. Two red and blue Macaws and two white Cockatoos. I really like looking at it. Art has never affected me this way before. I enjoy good art but this painting makes me feel good. I want to see if the artist has anything else I really like. I have only one place for a painting and then the walls are covered with stuff-in my room.

I got a frame and matte for the picture of Christ that I wanted to hang but the place I wanted to put it was way up high and the couch was in the way and the TV table, etc., but Frank helped me get it up. He said he could get the ladder and climb up and nail the nail in but I didn't want to risk him doing it. I got the ladder from downstairs and brought it up. He moved the couch and I climbed up and put the nail in and hung the picture. We did it together. He was my cheerleader. Now, there's the picture of Christ and under it is the Birmingham temple and under it is our family picture at the Atlanta temple and under that is pictures of the grandchildren. The family circle-the eternal family unit.

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