Thursday, September 4, 2014


Instead of doing pictures, Trudy and I cleaned drawers and shelves looking for a on-line-class I took called Write Your Life Story. I don't know what I've done with the work I've done. I moved it from my file cabinet and don't for the life of me know what I did with it.

Trudy found Mother and Dad's love letters that Bill and Lynn had put in a album. Ruth had given them to them to read and they must have thought I had given then to them for they organized them and placed them in this nice album, but I wanted them back. I had them in the bookcase behind the computer desk but I couldn't see them and didn't know where they were until Trudy found them.

I went to bed at 9:30 PM and woke up at 11:30 PM. Now I can't settle down when I lie down. Eariler Trudy had changed something on her Google account and when I tried to sign in on my blog I couldn't figure how to do it. But tonight, I used my password with the wrong email address and it worked.

We took the trash out a couple of times as we cleaned out drawers. The three drawers in the night stand in the kitchen are practically empty! The junk drawer needs it next and the china cabinet drawers. Years of junk have accumulated and needs to be thrown away.

I had Trudy text Jennifer to tell her to just come on in the house tomorrow for we will be at the senior center at exercise and may not be back home when she comes. I don't know what I will do. I only have too get groceries. I could drive to Madison and look around to kill time.

Trudy got Dad's old Apple laptop working and got to the site where we can up load the pictures in the genealogy part. I will use my desk top to work on. I'm most familiar with it.

We're talking about going to Frankie's house for Thanksgiving, Dad and all. Now Frankie has to agree too it. Maybe I can go back to bed now. I'll give it a try. It's 12:15 AM now.

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