Saturday, May 22, 2010

Grass Cut

Mr. Sims, the man who cuts our yard, came today. Dad talked to him about cutting our two arbovitae trees back. They are eating our house! We didn't know what we were planting years ago when someone gave them to us. They seemed to be slow growing, but before we knew it, they were higher than the house. The birds roost in them at night and will miss the great mass of the trees. They will grow back, so if we can get them to a manageable size now, each year they can be trimmed to keep them manageable.

Dad's been cleaning off the shelves in his room. He feels bad but he's keeping on keeping on. I've done the stretching part of the 2 part DVD I got. It was good. I found two pair of old glasses I thought I could use as piano glasses but they are too strong. The ones I had made for the piano are reading strength and they are too weak. My computer glasses are the ones I need to use, so I guess I'll have to have some lens made for the piano. I want to be able to keep a pair of glasses in my purses at all times so I won't forget to put them there for Sundays.

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