Saturday, May 29, 2010

Accident Time

After we put the bills in the bill book, we went outside to put water in the birdbath. While I was dragging the hose between the bushes heading for the birdbath, I stepped in a hole and fell down. I felt it when my head and nose dragged on the grass and my right shin must have come in contact with the rocks that line the shrubs, for I have a big boo-boo on my right leg. Frank put two band-aids on it and it hasn't hurt. I'll probably have some bruises tomorrow. We were both thankful I didn't break anything! I must fill that hole up so no one will step in it again.

I finally sprayed the poison ivy. There was a nice patch growing around the base of the large Crape Myrtle. I have Iris there too and tried not to spray them. I need to dig them up and put them some where else. I need to do a lot of things...I'm a needy person.

1 comment:

The Walker Family said...

you didn't tell me you fell! Thank goodnes you didn't break anything!we had a blast with you today! I love you tj