Wednesday, December 3, 2008


I remember when milk was delivered to your doorstep. The cream collected on the top of the milk and to get "red cap" milk, one would have to shake up the bottle. The cream could be poured out and then you had "skim milk" or "skimmed milk". The glass bottles would be washed out and put back on the porch with a note rolled up in the top of the bottle with the next order on it.

I remember listening to the radio on Saturday mornings for the kids shows. I remember a show called "The Shadow". I think if was a mystery. I remember when the first T.V. came out. My Uncle Warren had one but all I remember is the "snow" that showed up on the screen. We got a T.V. when I was 12 years old. I loved Sunday night when Walt Disney came on. I loved to watch Tinkerbell! Later on, we got a color T.V.

I learned to type in high school. I used typewriters in college and don't remember when personal computers came out.

I remember when the first man flew around the earth.. I don't know if I believe man went to the moon. If we were so successful going to the moon, why didn't we go back? The Shadow knows...

1 comment:

TheVillamorFamily said...

you don't believe man has been on the moon?

I always wondered where you got the phrase "the shadow knows" came from!