Tuesday, December 16, 2008


I've finally gotten used to it being December and half the month is gone! I'm glad I gave the kids a check for the grandchildren for the P.O. is wild right now.

I'll go to my brother's house the 23rd. I already have Ruth's gifts and will get the adults, Bubba, Bill & Lynn and Katie a Whitman's Sampler and the two boys a car that runs with a box with controls. It will be fun. Frank and I don't celebrate. That's mostly my fault. My mother never did anything for Christmas so I have no Christmas traditions and I'm too old and tired to start anything now. Trudy wants to start a tradition with them coming for a visit Christmas eve and that will be nice. We couldn't start this Christmas because Dad has his operation Dec. 30th and I was worried that he might "catch" something and then the operation would be postponed again.

I drove into town to go by Dr. Walker's office to pick up some shoulder exercises. My right shoulder is a bit sore and I thought it might be the rotor cuff. The exercises are simple and I believe I'll actually do them! Frank wants to do them too.

Mary Kate and family might get a Shih Tzu dog. I hope Richard won't be allergic to it. Having a dog that would live until I died would be okay. I don't grieve very well so wouldn't want to have a dog that would die before I did.

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