Thursday, December 25, 2008


Christmas day was very quiet. No one came because of Dad's operation so near so we did nothing. There was no quiet hum of a happy refrigerator. Our rented one will come tomorrow (Friday). It will be so good to have a working ice box in the house. I have no food to put in it but I can take care of that after we have one.

The operation is Tuesday. We have to be at the hospital by 5:30 AM. Dad can stay 2 nights if needed. Hopefully, he won't need to stay any longer. Mary Kate will be with me while the operation is going on. My brother said he'll be coming too. I guess I'll need to take material to read and money to eat with. Mary Kate is bringing Sophia and Nate with her. They will stay at Trudy's house while M.K. is at the hospital.

Sunday, I'll need to make up a lot of jello because Dad has to eat only liquids all day. I like jello too, so I'll need to make up a bunch! I really have nothing more to say. As I said, it's been a very quiet day. Ho-ho-ho!

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