Sunday, July 27, 2008

Enough Meatloaf For An Army

The meatloaf got overcooked somewhat. I need to check my oven on it's temperatures. The meatloaf wasn't good, no matter how long it cooked. I'll keep it in the refrigerator for several days and then when trash day comes along, I'll TRASH it!

Primary was good today. The lesson was about sharing. My part of the lesson went well. We talked about sharing and I had some chocolate cookies as a treat that I shared with them. After that, I had copied some pictures out of the Friend onto card stock. The children colored them and then cut the figures out and glued them onto another piece of card stock. Sarah said she needed help cutting the figures out and I had to do hers. The other children knew how to use the scissors just fine. That activity took up all of the time. We made a mess, but two of the fathers helped pick up the tiny pieces of cut paper. I love it when Primary goes well! Now, to start on next weeks lesson and activity. I had my Play Dough just in case today, but we didn't have to use it. On of my kids won't be coming anymore because they were just visiting for the summer. Mia was a sweet child and I'll miss her. She'll be back next summer, but she won't be in my class, I don't think.

Frankie called tonight. He had the house to himself. Rachel and the little kids drove to GA to Mary Kate's house to pick up Josh and Kayla. They had spent 4 days with Mary Kate and her family. Frankie said his neck is getting better, but he still can't drive. He doesn't know if his job position will still be there or not. He'll find out this Wed. They gave their poodle, Coco, to a family with 2 children and he is getting lots of love and attention. With 4 children, he didn't get much one on one time with his family. I'm glad he's happy in his new home.

1 comment:

the Villamor's said...

I almost went to bed without checking your blog....and good thing I did! When I saw your title I remembered the meatloaf I put in the oven at 7pm! It is 11:53pm now! I set the timer but dont' remember turning it off! I was busy talking and probably just shut everything off when the timer was beeping! I made meatballs tonight and decided to make a small meatloaf with the leftover groundbeef! I just took it out and it was still warm so maybe it will be OK...nothing ketchup won't fix!!
Glad Primary went well for you....that is a good feeling when it goes well!

One idea you can do is have the kids cut the playdough with the scissors....they like that....although it might get messy. I know those kids just love having a cool granny as their teacher!

I am glad Rachel, Josh and Mariam are here. Luke and Kayla really missed their little siblings!