Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Hot Day

It got up to 95 degrees today. It was hot in the car when Sadie and I went to town. Dad wanted us to find some socks for him and we found some 87% cotton. He has so much trouble with his feet. He really wants 100% cotton but they aren't made like that in the stores. We stopped by Radio Shack and got some connectors for the radio. I talked with Sophia the other day and mentioned Dad's ham radio and she thinks he has a radio with a ham on top of it! It does make sense!

Sadie helped me make some potato salad last night. She pealed the cooked potatoes and chopped them and chopped up the hard boiled eggs. I put too much mayo in it but it was lite mayo. We have a cake to cook and frost but I'm waiting 'til later to do that. Maybe she'll take the cake mix and frosting home with her. Then, I won't eat any of it. I was going to say "be tempted", but I wouldn't need the temptation, I would just jump right in and eat away!

Dad is cleaning the bird cages now and Sadie loves to watch him. He gets Rikki out and put her on her perch and she talks and makes all kinds of weird noises. Sadie makes weird noises too and just loves it! Of course, the birds like all the attention.

Sadie got a bead set and has been making necklaces. I found a container that her mother had given me and I gave it to her and she put all of the beads in the compartments and it looks really nice. It keeps the beads from scattering everywhere, too.

1 comment:

the Villamor's said...

glad Sadie is having fun with you guys!! What fun memories!Makes me more and more excited for our visit in about 9 days!