Wednesday, January 8, 2014


I didn't go to exercise today. I overslept and hate to be rushed. I practiced the new song for choir and snoozed in the recliner a while. Talked with Mary Kate. They had a good time on their cruise.

The sister missionaries came out for a visit this evening. They gave us each a Book of Mormon and we put our testimonies in them and they will give them out as they see people. We have a very nice visit with them.

The pipes at the church burst and caused water damage in the side the Family History Center is on. That's the side we go into church. We don't know if we will have church there Sunday or not.

I have to get up early tomorrow so I can shower and bake a cake and fix lunch for Karen. The cake has to cool so the Cool Whip won't melt on it when it's spread on top of the cake. The lunch is from a can. It's called dirty rice and I have to cook a lb of sausage and add the contents of the can to it. I hope it turns out okay. I haven't fixed it before but it sounded good.

Trudy has facet injections tomorrow and plans to drive to Mary Kate's in LaGrange, GA Friday. She shouldn't be driving that far by herself. Heard from Frankie and things are going good at his place. The kids had a day out of school because it's so cold. I think Nate and Sophia missed school, too.

The sisters said they would come out and help me prune the shrubs. The young men were supposed to help but I haven't heard anything from them so if it warms up enough Saturday, we might be pruning the Crape Myrtles and the Butterfly bushes. There's a lot to prune and it will be good to get it done. 

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