Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Busy Day

After exercise, I went to the bank and then home. I got Frank's lunch ready and then left home for the PO, Hardee's and then to Trudy's to pick her up and take her to H'ville to her Dr appointment. She got shots in her back for the pain she has. Her appointment was at 1 PM and she got in at 1:30. She was out by 3 PM. I read on my Kindle during that time. We went to Taco Bell afterwards for something to eat and then to the pharmacy which was on the way home. I got back home after 5 PM. Frank ate the other half of the Taco Bell and I had a bowl of cereal for supper.

Tomorrow, I'll meet Trudy at the Apple store at Bridge St. Frank's computer is squirrely and needs to be brought to the shop. Trudy's IPhone needs some work so she'll get it looked at. I'm sure we'll look at some stores at Bridge St. They are very costly so I don't foresee buying anything.

I was too tired to play any games tonight so after reading, we went to bed.

I haven't read a good book lately. I'm finishing up a book that had great reviews, but I haven't enjoyed it. I got two other books by the same author-they were just $2.99 a book-hoping to hit on some good reading, but no luck. Frank, after being told that reading was good for his mind, has started to re-read his Louis Lamor collection.

My leg is still hurting. I'm back to taking two pain pills a day instead of just one at night. It's been 4 months since the second operation and maybe I'm expecting too much too soon. I'll see the Dr in December and that will be almost one year since it was done. Maybe by then all the pain will be done.

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