Monday, November 29, 2010

Forgot Things

I got up at 7 AM and did the usual routine and left the house at 8 AM to go to the Senior Center. On the way, I realized I had forgotten my scripture bag I usually take with me on Mondays. After the exercises, I had to go to the bank and then I had to get some gasoline in the car. I got out to Karen's almost on time.

We studied the pre-mortal existence and it was very interesting. The BYU professors talk about different topics and it's hard to study for that kind of discussion. I had read the lesson material and had read the Institute manual so I was sort if prepared. It was good anyway.

I came home and Dad wanted me to wash his electric blanket so I did. I decided to take down my Autumnal decorations I had enjoyed and put up some Christmas decorations. I had found the box that had my Santa collection in it, but the fiber optic tree I had used for years was not in it's box! I had to think hard but then I remembered that it died last year and I must have thrown it away. I found a smaller tree in a sack in Trudy's old bedroom closet that was already decorated and had lights and all, so I put it up. The tree with the Santa Clauses around it will probably be all the decorating I do. There is no room for anything else. My decorations are so sad but I'm not inspired to get anything else since no one can come over to the house.

1 comment:

the Villamor's said...

i bet your decorations look marvelous!!!