Monday, December 21, 2009

Work Day Monday

Forrest spent the night with us Sunday. We went shopping at Walmart and it was nice to have someone to push the basket and reach the things that were high up! We were through by 10:00 AM. Forrest got on the computer for a while until Grampie had some work for him. He pruned the Crape Myrtle tree and I carried the limbs to the burn pile. Then he pruned the Butterfly bush. The yard surely looks different now. Nice.

Trudy and Sadie came over and are spending the night tonight. They'll have to get up at 6:00 AM to get back home in time for school.

I have a well visit with Dr. Walker tomorrow. I hate to climb on the scale. My New Year's resolution will be to loose the 5 pounds I have found!

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