Saturday, January 31, 2015


I went to H'ville to take back some Land's End merchandize to Sear's. I got there 5 minutes before they opened. I then went back through Madison and stopped at Academy Sports and bought a pair of athletic shoes. I should have gotten a pair like I had, but didn't. I went to Khol's after that and bought a couple of shirts. I had a bunch of coupons plus a $10.00 off card for my birthday. Today was the last day I could use that.

After wearing the new shoes in the house, I decided they weren't wide enough, so I will take them back Monday and get a pair of the exact same shoes that I have. That way people won't know I have another pair of shoes. I have two pair that I don't wear any more. The soles are too thin. I need shoes with a thick sole with more support. I'll see if Mary Kate wants them or if she doesn't, I'll give them to the Salvation Army.

Mary Kate and Nate will be coming up the week-end of President's Day. I remember when we celebrated each President's birthday separately. Sophia has something she has to do and won't be coming.

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