Thursday, January 22, 2015


This morning I went to the bank to get some money for the tree men. They started yesterday removing the trees the tornado blew down in April of 2014. They finished up today. I had a Dr appointment in H'ville at 2:40 PM so gave Bobby the money to pay the men. They worked most of the day on our trees today and then started on Bobby's part of the land. The main man was out of town today and will probably come tomorrow to get paid. It surely looks better without all of the dead trees laying outside the house. They put the debris back into the woods and someday the vines and grasses will cover the piles of wood.

I went to see Dr Shergy today. I left early and got there about 20 minutes early and got right in to see him. I was so surprised and glad I didn't have to wait a long time. I had messed up. I should have seen him the day before Thanksgiving for lab work for my Prolia shot, but I had to pick up the Thanksgiving turkeys, so I canceled the appointment. This puts me late on getting my shot and messes up things. I didn't know it would cause all that trouble. The turkeys weren't all that good anyway. Next year, I'll cook my own turkey. The smoked turkeys cost $40.00 a piece and I got two. A fool and her money are soon parted.

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