Thursday, June 12, 2014


It didn't rain today but it will tonight and tomorrow. The paper said that the wheat farmers were having trouble getting the wheat harvested it's been so wet. If they don't get it harvested by a certain time, the wheat will sprout. Learn something new every day.

Trudy came over this afternoon. She has a, don't know the year, CR-V, and it looks better than the one she wrecked. They went to Nashville last night and got it. Hopefully, it will be a good car for her. She's gone out visiting friends tonight.

Tomorrow we'll go to H'ville to my Dr appointment for my Prolia shot. I get it twice a year and tomorrow is the time for it. I have coupons for Kohl's just in case we stop. Have some for Goody's, too. Jennifer will come at 10:00 AM and will stay 'til 2 PM. We should be back home by then.

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