Thursday, November 15, 2012


Sophrona called at 9 AM to say that they had sickness at their house and didn't want to bring it here so Carrielee wouldn't be coming for her piano lesson. I just went back to bed until 10:00. I got up and got dressed for the funeral that was at the church. Susan Harris' mother had died and the funeral was today. I couldn't stay for the funeral for I had a 2:30 PM appointment, but I wanted to pay my respects to the family.

I had a good work out with Janet and she said she would substitute some at the senior center for me. I was happy to hear that. She will be a good substitute for me and the things we normally do.

Summer-Rae said she would sub for me in Primary, so that's taken care of. My right hip is hurting more and the pain meds aren't covering it up like they did. It's really time for me to get a hip replacement. Janet was saying that I would be a good patient because I was in good physical health. I plan to be a good patient. Pain makes a difference and if I can get through the pain, I'll have an advantage over the situation. I need to borrow a straight chair with arms to sit in when I get home. Maybe Karen has one I can borrow. Frank said we could buy one, but what would we do with it after I didn't need it? The house is too full of things now as it is.

Frank had fevers again this morning so he's going up on his meds. The fevers leave him very weak and a bit disoriented. It's getting where it's hard for him to walk now. He just lays in bed all day and his leg muscles are very weak. I hope he can get some exercise somehow.

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