Saturday, February 8, 2014

Slept In

Had a leisurely day. When I got ready to do Frank's pills for the week, I realized I had to go by the pharmacy and get some medicine.  I drove by the PO and mailed a letter and then got the medicine and came home. I should have practiced the piano but I didn't. I snoozed in the recliner instead. Frank woke me up at 5 PM wanting supper. I snooze to ward off boredom. I don't have any projects so I have time on my hands. I could have washed clothes if I had thought of it and then I would have practiced since I would have been in the basement with the piano but I didn't have that much to wash. I should have done the floors, but I didn't. Lazy me.

I need to read my Sunday School and Relief Society lessons for tomorrow. I like to be prepared but sometimes I miss doing it.

I played around with my ipad some.

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