Monday, November 23, 2009

Busy Monday

I forgot to set the alarm last night and woke up at 6:45 AM, looked at the clock and almost panicked. Then I realized that I had plenty of time to get ready for my dentist appointment in H"ville. If I take I-65, then Hy 20, I can get there in 45 minutes or less. Had no cavities! Yeah!

When I got home, Frank said Dr More's office had called to say the Dr had some surgery he had to do and when I called to reschedule, we decided I would call if I had any problems! I think I will start to do my exercises again and see if I can strengthen my knee muscles. Probably would help, can't hurt.

I stopped by Walmart to get the ingredients for the peas, asparagus and mushroom casserole. My Mom used to make it each Thanksgiving, but I haven't make it in a long time and Trudy remembers my Dad making it. I'll call my friend Mary Lou about the sauce that goes with it.

My package arrived at Frankie's today. Rachel called to see if it was for Christmas or for now. I told her it was for now. I had a nice time talking to her and catching up on all the family's activities.

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