Friday, December 2, 2011

Friday, Friday, Friday

I taught today at the Center. They have a huge Christmas tree up and a little red jeep-like car beside it, all very festive. Dec 19th, a Monday, we are to bring a small gift and some food and play dirty Santa, a game I believe where the gifts are passed around but everyone ends up with a gift. Since it is my time to teach, I won't have to and will get to enjoy everyone's company.

I went to Curves and at 2:30 PM I worked out at Janet's house. I did bicep curls with 8 lb weights and didn't get tired! I was really surprised. I enjoy working out with Janet. She loaned me a  CD with music on it to work out with. I was getting tired of the CD I was playing, even though it is a good CD.

We tried to order some bird pellets on-line today but weren't successful. They had a 50 lb bag of mini pellets but we didn't want over a 25 lb bag. We'll search again tomorrow.

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