Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Duel Dental Appointments

It was raining again today. I hate going 70 mph on wet roads but we take the interstate to go to H'ville to see the dentist. We had a safe trip and there weren't any problems but I still dislike driving in the rain. It's nice to both go to the dentist at one time. I'll go back in 3 months but Frank won't go until 6 months.

Don't know why I didn't write Tuesday. I did go to the pharmacy and to the bank and to Walmart. I needed a gift for the senior center party and I found a pretty pair of white gloves that would do. I, of course, bought a few extra things but the cost was $94.00. I got three cartons of powdered milk and they cost $17.58 a piece and that's what made the bill so large. But we have a good supply of milk on hand now.

It's raining and turning colder now. It's 38 degrees and falling. Maybe our nice 60 degree weather is behind us now. Anyway, it's December!

1 comment:

Fred Collinsworth said...

It is nice to have someone with you when visiting the dentist. The company will help you to calm yourself during the check-up. Good for you!

Fred Collinsworth