Friday, December 31, 2010

Tired FromTrip

I didn't even think of going to exercise this morning. I didn't get to sleep until after 12:00 AM last night and I went back to bed and slept until 10:30 AM.

It was 67 degrees F. today. Some fierce storms are supposed to occur tonight while we sleep. They have caused tornadoes in stated West of us and hopefully there will be none in our storms.

Tonight is New Year's Eve. I'm not staying up to see it in. I'd rather sleep! I shredded 2-3 years of Medco material today. I cleaned it from a brown wicker square I have. I thought I would have to give it away but Dad decided to put the air cleaner in a different place and the wicker can go back against the wall where it has been all these years.

The Thrift shop up our road takes donations and I talked to the lady and told her I had some stuff I would give her. I need to put it in the back on my car so when I see her at the shop, I'll just have to stop and unload the stuff.

Trudy's birthday was yesterday and she was going coupon cashing. Forrest was on a winter camp with the Boy Scouts and Sadie and George were watching TV.

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