Monday, September 29, 2008

Back To the Grocery Store

That sounds better than "going to Walmart". I got up at 7 AM and took a shower, planning to go to exercise class. I called Dr. Shergy's office at 8 AM to see about getting on the new medicine sooner than December and then decided to stay home and wait for the call. The nurse did call and I need to go by Dr. Dang's office to get a statement saying that he says it's okay for me to take the medicine. So Wednesday when Dad goes to the pain clinic, we will stop by Dr. Dang's office to get the okay. Then I will go to Dr. Shergy's office Thursday to learn how to give myself the shots. I'm excited! I've always wanted to learn how to give shots, to myself or someone else, with a small needle, of course!

I went to get groceries so I wouldn't be bored. We didn't need anything except Ziploc sandwich bags. I got a case of beans, two boxes of powdered milk, some no odor dryer sheets, a wash basin to hand wash a blouse I have and some disposable razors. I just remembered I had the blouse soaking in that new basin, so I went and washed it. It's hanging on the bathroom shower curtain now. It's a pretty white blouse with lace and pearls on the front. I have babbled on and on because the blog wasn't saving my blog. It's working now so I can shut up! Ha!

I got a pair of reading glasses. I used the last frames I had for my regular glasses and the lens just cost $65.00. Dad said he would pay me back. I'll keep the extra reading glasses at the piano where I will use them, and then put them in my purse for Sunday. I can see the music better with the reading glasses. I have a special pair I use with the computer, but they won't do for the piano.