Wednesday, December 11, 2013


Went to exercise and gave Janet a cactus with other succulents with it. She liked it. Being a master gardener, she likes plants and I always know what she likes. It was fun and I'm using the 4 lb weights. 5 lbs are a bit too much since I'm not working out at home.

I have a terrible cough. It's soul racking. Mary Kate coughed so hard she bruised her rib cage. I'm not that bad and haven't really felt bad except for the cough. Frank is about to get over his cough.

Trudy had a PT appointment at 8 AM and left here at 7 AM. It's so nice with her coming over here once a week.

I didn't do anything all day except practice the piano 30 minutes. I dozed in the recliner but that just made my cough worse.

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