Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Farming Days

My farming days are over as of today. Ken will be back home tomorrow and will get to feed his animals himself.

I took Frank into town today. We had to go by the courthouse annex too quality for the homestead exemption and he wanted to vote absentee. There were a lot of people with the same idea and we had to wait in line until it was his turn to vote. I'll be voting by myself November 6th. Next year we won't wait until the last day to absentee vote and it will be better. We didn't know anything about it until we read about it in the paper.

I take the birds to the vet tomorrow and Friday, I'll see Dr. Alexander about my right hip.

I received a package I ordered from Land's End and it was a red coat but it was a size too small. It would have been an excellent addition to my wardrobe if it fit. Maybe I'll keep it to see if Mary Kate can wear it. If not, I can return it to Sear's.

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