Sunday, October 28, 2012

Two Days

Saturday, we cleaned house and I fed the animals, or I helped feed the animals.

Sunday, the choir sang, "Sweet Hour of Prayer". Sophrona played the flute and I played the piano for the choir. The song's accompaniment had large stretches for the left hand and I missed some of the notes. I don't think it was noticeable sing the choir was singing and the flute was playing. I just have to give up the thought of playing without any mistakes. I can play the pieces at home without any mistakes but that's not the case when I perform. I do have more self-confidence and don't get so nervous when I have to play.

We had a bit of cold weather these past two days. It was 46 degrees when I got up Saturday and it was cool this morning. Surely, warmer weather will still be with us. It usually doesn't get really cold until after Christmas.

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