Tuesday, October 23, 2012

O.K. Today

My hip was okay today. I still can feel a bit of pain in it but not like yesterday. It's strange for I have missed my PM meds several times before and never had any pain. Maybe my hip has just gotten worse. I'll see Dr. Alexander in two weeks and get x-rays. I thought of not taking my pain meds before I see the Dr. but I'm afraid that the pain might be too bad for me to drive over to Madison, so I don't think I'll skip the medicine.

Slept in and then went to feed the animals. Karen was out with the chickens. She decided to fix some stones that were next to the chicken coop that the birds pooped on and she had to clean up.
She removed the stones so the chickens will poop on the ground. All was well with the other animals. She was to get some hay delivered today sometime. Ken sent me a beautiful hand woven basket and Karen had filled it with chocolate chip cookies. I ate three on the way home.

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