Tuesday, October 29, 2013

What About Monday?

Trudy met be at the lawyer's office. We saw Landy Raley, the lawyer that Shelley recommended. We liked him. He's setting up a power of attorney for us and the other things I can't remember. I filled out a living will and have to get Frank to fill one out also. I'll see if Brenda and Bobby will be the wittiness for us. Then I'll have to get  copies to Dr Walker's office. Don't remember what we did the rest of the day. I went to exercise Monday. Afterwards, Janet showed those of us who wanted to see them some pictures of her vacation out West. We saw the lawyer at 2 PM.

Today, Tuesday, Trudy and I went over to Karen's to help her feed her animals. Really, they are her husband's animals but he is out of the country right now and it falls on her to feed, water and clean up after them. Trudy just looked at the animals and then lay down in the backseat of her car and rested. Her back is really hurting her. I helped her the first time Ken went to Quad but the second time, I was recovering from hip surgery and couldn't help. He was gone 4 or more months that time. Hopefully, he'll only be gone a month this time. I'll go over every day at 10 AM and we will feed and water the chickens, goats, geese, donkeys and horses. They are the very small horses. The ATV stopped working on the way back up from feeding and watering the two horses that are staked out down the road so now we'll have to carry feed and water in a small wagon. Going down hill won't be so bad. Coming up the hill pulling the wagon had me sweating today. It'll be good exercise for me.

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