Friday, July 5, 2013

Bank Day

When my music students didn't show up, I went to the bank. I think I finally understand about the different accounts. I reduced the amount I put into the online banking and put it into the main account and found out about the account at Compass bank. I think I'm cooking with gas now that I understand the banking.

Came home and Sophrona called and said she would bring the kids over at 2 PM. Alita surprised me on how she can play the two chords on her ukelele. I taught her one more chord and she just lacks another chord and she will know 4 chords and she'll be able to play most any song. I tried to learn more chords myself but my hands just won't go into those positions. I have a songbook that has folk songs in it that I can teach her. We won't run out of songs to play and sing. Right now the songs we sing in the teaching book are a wee bit high for my voice, but when she learns the 4 chords, the key will be lower.

Didn't...don't remember what I started to say for I went to check Frank's blood sugar. It was 134 and at lunch it was 192. It's high but I don't know what else to do. I'm cooking the best that I can. He doesn't eat much and has lost about 12 lbs. I've gained some and it's because of the Cokes I've been drinking. I guess I'll have to switch over to Diet Rite. I can't drink anything with Aspertame in it for I'm allergic to it.

It rained again today. Not as much as yesterday, though. It may rain tomorrow, too.

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