Thursday, February 2, 2012

Working Out

Had a great work out with Janet today. We did hard exercises and I was sweating! I'll need to take a small towel with me next Thursday. I stopped by the bank on my  way home and made a deposit.

We watched Glen Beck on the Roku tonight. It was about the forces of good and evil in the world and how the worship of Baail was going on in our world today. I can see it in society in the way everything has gotten coarser, and society seems to be going down hill. The Wall Street Occupation was an example of degradation, filth, and attacks on women that goes along with Baail worship. It makes a lot of sense
since I watched Beck's program. He said there would be upheavals when we have the elections-like there were in 1968 when there were riots at the Democratic Convention. I remember those. That was the year we got married. There will be more occupying of more places and more violence and filth. What a future to look forward to. Knowing it's going to happen will help us make sense of it all.

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