Friday, July 9, 2010

Friday All Day

Jan was at exercise class but she didn't feel well, so I lead the group. It went well. Maybe some day I won't need my notes. I'll be leading again Monday

I mailed a package at the P.O. and went to the court house annex and got our stickers for our car tags. I got a $5.00 refund because one of the tags is free since Frank is a veteran or a disabled veteran.

After lunch, I had a lot of time on my hands. I never can find things to do when I get this way. Things that I want to do that is.When all the house work is done, I get stymied.

We were going to pick blueberries tonight when it was cooler, but it rained a little bit and we didn't want to pick in the rain! Tomorrow will be a better day.

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