Thursday, October 22, 2009

VT Day Was Successful

I met All at the church at 10:00 AM and we went to Sis Knowles house first, then to the Decker's and then we found Sis Ford and right down from her we found our last sister! We saw all four of our sisters and that makes us 100% for October! Hopefully it will be as easy next month.

I got home at 2:00 PM and was ready for lunch! This was the second day I didn't eat lunch at the right time in two days. The rotini salad was good and now I can buy more canned chicken from Sam's. Before I learned about this salad, I didn't know how to use the canned chicken.

Ruth White, my sister-in-law called and I will go with her to Wallace State on Saturday for a cooking taste off. That's not the real name of it, but I don't remember what she said. It sounded like fun.

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