Monday, October 19, 2009

Mild Monday

The sun came out today but there was frost on the windshield at 8:00 AM when I went out to go to exercise. I left town and drove to Karen's for our scripture study. It was nice, but I wasn't prepared as I could have been. I've found the Institute manual and can now have some helps when I read the sections.

Trudy has had some problems with her lap top and has a friend coming over tonight to transfer the information onto another hard drive. Ho, ho, I don't know anything about what I just said!

Thanksgiving will be at Trudy's so I can be there. I hope Frankie and his family will be able to be there too.

Dad had a bad day today. Tomorrow will be better. Tomorrow night there is a fireside in H'ville with a General Authority. I'm going to go and hope it will be very spiritual.

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