Thursday, September 3, 2009

Throw Out Day

Another word for trash day. I have a large container of flour in the kitchen that someone dragged out while I was in the hospital and left in the kitchen. It has a date of 1994 on it so I's say it's safe to say it's no good food wise. I decided to put it in smaller packages and put it in the kitchen garbage.

PT came today. I had decided to stay in bed 'til 11:00 AM. I must have over done yesterday for that's all I felt like doing today. After she called, I jumped out of bed and into my clothes. Sandy Sommerfeld called and talked for a while. She is planning a trip back here to take care of her mothers home. She said she was planning on visiting us while she was in this neck of the woods.

It's off to play in the flour now!

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