Saturday, September 12, 2009

Fun Day in Eva

I don't know why I didn't post on Friday. I went to town to take the Salvation Army a load and then I went to this antique store and found an old timey potato masher and bought it for $5.00. I said if I ever found one like it I was going to get it and I did! I went home after that.

Today I went to see my brother in Eva, AL. My nephew, Bill, was down for a visit and I like to go and see him when ever I can because Bill and his sister and brother are the only family I have after my brother. We kid that one day I'll get a call that he has died and than I'll be an only child. Sounds morbid but it isn't. We always kid about serious things. Makes it easier to stomach!

My leg hurt while I was down there and I got a pill. I think that sitting too long makes it hurt. We start practicing the Primary Program tomorrow and I hope sitting on the piano bench won't hurt it. Which reminds me I need to get the music in order.

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