Sunday, June 21, 2009

Good News and Sad News

I got in touch with an old classmate from high school which was the good news but learned of the death of an old friend at the same time. Nicky Hobbs and I grew up together a play mates. His birthday was January 8th and mine was (and still is!) January 9th. I played with his sisters too, but Nicky was my pal. My older brother would go with Nicky's dad to the river to hunt for arrow heads and I was always on had when Mrs. Hobbs cooked her homemade chili. My brother and I consider the Hobbs family as family. We haven't kept in touch through the years, but we did go visit one time a couple of years ago. I think Nicky died of cancer for the memorials were to be sent to the American Cancer Society. Live on Nicky, live on.

1 comment:

the Villamor's said...

sorry to hear about your friend. Was this the Hobb's that lived next door?

we are excited about coming for a visit!!!