Monday, March 21, 2011

Great Day

It was a usual Monday. I led the exercises and went to Curves-it takes about 35 minutes to go two rounds-and then to Walmart for some groceries and then home. I was at Karen's for scripture study at 1 PM and after that I came home and started a pot of beans. I had thawed two steak burgers for supper and we had some steamed potatoes too.

My brother's back had been hurting him for a while and he got it checked out. The Dr thinks it's cancer. Bubba diagnosed it as stage 4 lymphoma. He doesn't really know what it is, but that is pretty scary. He said if it was what he thought it was, he wouldn't have it treated. He would just let it run it's course and die with it. I keep telling him I don't want to be an "only child" but he just won't listen to me. There will be no funeral, he'll be cremated, and we'll have a day of "fun and frolic" at his son Bill's house in Mississippi. Life can hit you below the belt at times.

1 comment:

the Villamor's said...

too sad about Bubba. We will be praying for him.