Thursday, May 15, 2014

Dr Visit

Sadie brought Trudy over today so we didn't have to go and get her for the Dr appointment. They wondered why we were back in the office so soon but we gave them a list of the things that had been going on and they understood why we were back. Dr Boyer changed Frank's medicines and made them stronger and told him to take his medicine. Frank has not been taking the meds like he should. He will suffer the consequences ultimately but I don't want him to.

Frankie just called and said he was taking Jason his brother-in-law to the airport early in the morning and he would just come on down here and see if he could help in any way. Mary Kate had called and talked to him about Dad and his antics and they are both worried about us. It will be nice to see him. They are talking about me selling the house, maybe, and Dad going into a nursing home. I don't know what the future holds but Frank seems to be getting worse faster.

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