Friday, May 16, 2014


Frankie wasn't able too come early like he wanted, but he came about 3:00 PM. In fact, I met him at the Limestone Lodge, an assisted care living facility. The have a special building that caters to people who wander and the doors are locked all the time. We visited and it was nice. About $3,800.00 a month. He would be close to home and all his needs would be taken care of. Something to think about. Frankie is going to try to put a key lock on the front door so when I go out with Frank by himself, he will be locked in and I won't have to worry about a key. I locked him in the house today when I went to meet Frankie and didn't tell him. I felt bad about it but I couldn't chance him leaving the house and wandering somewhere.

Frankie was amazed at the damage the tornado did to all the trees. We have about 15 trees down from the woods. I'll have to call some people Monday about having the trees removed, if I can afford it. We drove around the area the tornadoes hit and it was still pretty bad. A lot had been cleaned up. A big truck came by late this afternoon and picked up some of the tree litter we have beside the road on our property. The truck got full and he left some and I guess he will come back another day and finish picking up the rest.

Mary Kate and Sophia came around 7:30 PM. We all had a great time visiting. Frank was tired since he hadn't slept all day and went to bed around 3:30 AM this morning. So at 8 o'clock he went to bed and chased us downstairs with our visiting. It's 10:50 PM now and time to wind down. Tomorrow, the sitter will come at 10 AM and Mary Kate, Sophia and I will go shopping, and stay out until 4 PM. Mary Kate was talking about getting the sitter to stay all night one night and we girls could go to Birmingham for a girl's night out like we used to. That would be great. With Mary Kate doing my thinking, I'll be alright!

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