Monday, November 11, 2013

Dr Sharp

Trudy came yesterday and spent the night with us. She got up and after breakfast she cooked three meals for us. I'll need to freeze some of it because we won't be able to eat it all. It was a big help to us. I had a Dr's appointment and had to leave at 10:15 AM and Trudy stayed and left later. She also had a Dr's appointment.

Dr Sharp told me to get up and read when I couldn't fall asleep and not to take more medicine. I'm used to going to sleep when I want to and staying up will be different. I don't have a book I'm interested in right now. I have the Kindle paperwhite to learn how to operate and maybe that's what I can do if I can't sleep.

I stopped by Walmart on the way home to get some cottage cheese, milk and allergy pills that were in a bottle and not in the bubble wrap. I refuse to spend my time trying to peel the wrapper off of the pills. It's a pain so I got the same medicine in a bottle.

My last stop was to the pharmacy. I had called in one prescription and had two others to fill. They didn't have one Rx and I had to wait for them to get it from another pharmacy. I spent about 20 minutes waiting for it. I'll be able to help Karen with the animals tomorrow. I also need to practice the choir piece that we're doing in two weeks. I'll have to leave out some notes to get it up to speed in such a short time.

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