Saturday, August 4, 2012


I did some chores and fixed meals and watched some TV and that's about it. I had a lot of time on my hands and not enough to do. I did practice the piano. There's lots of things to do if I wanted something to do, but they're not things that have to be done like the laundry or cooking. When we have to unload the kitchen cabinets, they'll be lots of things to do. I hope it will spur me on to a major clean up and throw or give away. My house is stuffed to over flowing and it needs a good clean out.

Tuesday, I'll go over to Trudy's to help her clean house. She wants me to show Sadie how to use her sewing machine. I've forgotten how to use a pattern and I'm afraid it'll be the blind leading the blind! I do have a skirt pattern for her that only has 3 pieces to it.  I may not be the person to show her how to sew. Mary Kate is the one but she lives in Georgia.

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