Sunday, March 8, 2009

Sunday the 8th

It was in the high 70's again, with a light wind blowing. All the pear trees have white blooms on them and all sorts of vegetation is blooming. It's too early but who knows what the weather will do.

The meetings were good. Next week all the sisters are supposed to go to a special Visiting Teaching meeting the 3rd hour and the men are to substitute in Primary. Sis. Decker was upset for we don't have enough time to teach the music as it is. Maybe we can skip the V.T. meeting and go back to Primary for the music time.

I've been having trouble with my mind (what mind, you say?). Saturday was especially bad. My mind is like an empty white board. No thoughts, no anything. I think it's the Effexor that I'm taking. I'll have to talk with Dr. Sharp about it. Surely there is some other antidepressant I can take beside Effexor.

1 comment:

the Villamor's said...

yeah i don't like you taking Effexor in the first place! isn't that the one that you got off the first time and switched to Abilify?

isn't the weather beautiful?? We are loving it here! but it could snow next week?! who knows what it will you think the shadow knows?