Sunday, March 22, 2009


I hope I'm not afraid of the operation. I's been on my mind for a long time. Getting it over will be a new start. I don't know what I'll do about blogging. I can take a notebook and pen and try to write at the hospital. I can see it now, "ah--h-h, oh-o-o, ee-e-e-ouch", move? Surely not!

Yesterday was a good day. Didn't do much, but had a good frame of mind all day. Today was good too. Church was good. The third hour we had a VT conference and it was good! Good, good, good. I almost got a good nap in, but our Home Teachers came and we always enjoy their visits, plus we both got blessings.

I feel like I'm ready for the final count down. I keep adding "stuff" to my hospital bag. It looks like I going away for a long time! I guess I am since I'll be going to a rehab place.

1 comment:

The Walker Family said...

Do not be afraid! A new not pack your bag too full, I might now be able to carry it! I love you! tj