Friday, April 26, 2013

Busy, Busy

Got up at the usual 7 AM. Went to exercise at 8:30. Came home for piano lessons at 10:00. Had Carrielee's younger sister, age 7 to teach also. I wasn't prepared with a book but I will get one soon. Maybe tomorrow. Dr Walker's office called and said Frank was to go to the hospital and get a blood test, so around 11:00 we went and had that done. We came back to the house and had lunch. I had a hair appointment at 1:30 PM. Kari did a good job with the hair cut. I cooked black beans and brown rice for supper. I made a lot and put some in the freezer. I have some barley soup in the freezer too. I have three or more pounds of ground beef I got at Sam's I have to put up tomorrow. I have been looking in cookbooks for recipes but have not found many yet. Maybe I'll try the internet, too. This is written with no paragraphs but this is the way my mind is going.

My hip gets nervous energy in it at night and I have to take a pain pill so I can relax enough to go to sleep. I hope the nurse will understand this if I need any more medicine.

Elita is the name of Carrielee's younger sister. She is quite musical like Carrielee. I may be teaching her to play the uke as soon as they get her one. I guess that means I have to get a uke too. I gave mine to Frankie. I need some music with folk songs in them. Maybe a uke songbook. Maybe I'll go to A.B. Stephens music store tomorrow. Who knows...except the Shadow.

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