Thursday, February 4, 2010

Busy Thursday

Was out of the house by 11:00 am today. I had a lot of errands to run. It was raining enough to need an umbrella. I had to drop by the insurance co. with some pictures to show that we had upgraded the pouches and then on to Wanda's house to return her casserole and basket. She had brought me dinner on my birthday and I was late in getting it back to her. Stayed and visited for a few moments and then on to K-Mart for some Maalox and then to McDonald's for a milk shake. I didn't want to end up at Walmart hungry! Shopped at Walmart and came home and unloaded the groceries. I've been on my feet all day and I'm tired now.

I'll need to go to exercise tomorrow so people won't forget about me. I haven't been going regularly and need to get back into the habit of going.

Thinking about going to see Dr Moore and see if I need some physical therapy for my left knee. It is a bit stiff. Maybe I can just do the exercises I got from home health.

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