Monday, December 3, 2012

Busy Day

Friday Joyce gave me a gift card to Walmart and today Betty cave me 4 pair of white socks, some pecans and a nice note. We had a good exercise class. I went by Janet's house and gave her the plant I had gotten for her. She loved it. She said that she could sub for me most of January. I hope by then I will be rocking and rolling but I might still need some help. I really appreciate her help. The ladies at the senior center said that they could handle the times neither I or Janet would be there.

I called Trudy to confirm that she would be going with me to the joint clinic Wednesday. We will meet at Crestwood at 12:00 PM and eat lunch at the cafeteria and then attend the class. I want to find out about the rehab that everyone has been asking if I will go. I'd like to go if it's offered and the insurance will pay for it.

Ann and I went VT today. Saw Karen. She and Ken are packing, getting ready to drive 1,900 miles to Utah for a family Christmas. I hope his car will make the trip alright. He knows about the insides of the car and knows if it's trip worthy or not. We may see Mary Lou Friday at 1 PM. We stopped by the address for a sister and a young man came out and told us the sister didn't live there. We'll turn her name in to the Relief Society. Ann found another sister in town we are to visit. Maybe we can count that as a visit for the month. She will see Glenda one day when I can't go. I need to send her a Christmas card.

Attended tithe settlement Sunday and got to declare that we were full tithe payers for the year. What a blessing tithe paying is. The Lord provides for those who keep His commandments.

My hip hasn't bothered me too much today. It hurts mostly in my right knee instead of the hip. The pain must telescope down to the knee. It's 10 days before the surgery.

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